Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Soccer. In America?

The World's Sport. Soccer. Gooooaaaaal! Ole Ole Ole Ole! In America? 

This sport has been kicked aside for, well ever in the states. David Beckham was thought to be able to be unstoppable. They brought him to the LA Galaxy and wasted millions with no success. 

Why is soccer suddenly being talked about? Sounders FC. They have been able to create an exciting environment which has packed quest field to sell out status at each game so far this season. They have marketed themselves on television, created jingles for fans to sing, the twirling scarfs. Everyone wants a piece of the excitement. All these symbols of global soccer sickness have been tediously thought over for the goal of making coin. 

People are feeling the sickness. Suddenly a sport with no buzz has people jumping on the bandwagon in Seattle. We have now forgotten the Sonics and instead of Ray Allen no celebrate goals by Montero. I only hope this marketing machine continues to grind Soccer into a national phenomenon. 

The Kid Is Back... Alongside Vintage Nike Ads

The return of Griffey to Seattle has meant alot to this city. Griffey is more than just a ballplayer. He is an icon, a larger than life hero, and truly above the game of baseball. He is a walking God. 

As with Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan, Nike has thrown huge dollars at Griffey to market their products through various ad campaigns. Nike has chosen to re-air the vintage advertisements unseen since 1999 when he marked his sad departure from the Mariners. 

Nike has brought back the ads and created quite a buzz. They have reminded us how Griffey's long ball changed Seattle. They have stamped their name alongside a superstar. And recycled ad dollars. 
Great Move Nike!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

10th Anniversary of Safeco Field: A Seattle Milestone Marked

Seattle Mariners celebrating the 10th anniversary of Safeco Field. This ceremony was a marketing strategy to show the magic of a day at the ballpark. By marking this moment, the created a want to all the fans. I was ready to drive 300 miles to experience everything they described. From 116 wins, Griffey's Return, The smell of Hot dogs, and Many majestic blue sky ballgames on the green grass. My Oh My what a game. And what a marketing ploy to create a want for a Mariners fans to be there each and every game. 

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pricing Strategy

This week in class we are discussing pricing strategies. I was just recently at GI Joe's Sporting Goods which are nationally going under just as Linens and Things, and Circuit City has within the past year. I noticed that although they slashed their pricing, I was paying more. What they ended up doing is raising their retail prices and then putting everything on sale. I was paying the same amount as in previous visits, yet now their store was filled with customers. It seemed they had generated a sense of urgency which filled their stores while their price points remained constant. I would have never noticed if I wasn't such an aware consumer. I'll leave the crowds there and shop elsewhere. 

Monday, April 6, 2009

Good Slogans Can Say Alot

I was recently listening to the radio and heard an appropriate slogan as we are studying advertising/promotion this week. It was a painting company whose slogan read "Where you'll never get the brush off". I just thought it was very clever by highlighting their business and highlighting their dedication to customer service. Slogans are a powerful tool and this is one that really grabbed me. I don't normally remember a painting company so this shows the power of a good slogan. 

Friday, March 27, 2009

Saturn's "We are still here" Campaign

Saturn has been out of the media spotlight when it comes to the recession. In the midst of failure after failure of American car manufacturing, Saturn has chose to enter the media spotlight and announce their presence. I think that the emergence of this company in this time claiming their solvency and their continuation to manufacture appealing low budget American cars is a very smart move. It is a slap in the face to Ford and GM and comes at the right time. We need American business we can depend on. I hope that their continued success is a model for others to follow. Meanwhile the campaign gives us hope and a homegrown product we feel confident in buying. 

Monday, March 9, 2009

Microsoft Needs To Market Themselves Differently

Microsoft Corporation is a multi billion dollar corporation. Yet they have terrible PR. Their monopolous ways, antitrust lawsuits, and error driven products are causing this giant to waver. Here are my suggestions. First off Separate from Vista. This product is flawed, difficult, and unpopular. After years of struggle quit trying to resuscitate a brand which never had life. Distance yourself from it, and pray Windows 7 is a smash hit. Secondly, dump the Zune. You cannot go against the Ipod; so stop the bleeding and go back to the arena in which you are more familiar. Third, Google is an unstoppable force. Yahoo is dwarfed by Google and buying up a dying brand is not going to defeat Google. Google will continually evolve; releasing gadget after gadget to enhance their already staggering assortment of features. I would try to fight back with a new Microsoft Office, Killer Windows, and Software.